Prof Rachel Mbogo
Dean, Research and Innovation - Secretary
Rachel has a broad background in the application of mathematical modeling applied to biology, with expertise in dynamical systems and stochastic processes for modeling HIV, COVID-19, and malaria. Prof. Mbogo currently serves as Dean Research and Innovation – Strathmore University, having recently stepped up as Director Research from Strathmore Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
In her position of leadership at Strathmore, she has directed and organized many international mathematics conferences and workshops devoted to enhancing collaborative research networks in mathematical sciences. She works closely with the National AIDS Control Council (NACC), now National Syndemic Diseases Control Council (NSDCC) which is the main HIV policy-making body in Kenya. Rachel has also collaborated with researchers internationally on scientific research problems. She is also involved in developing curriculums both for undergraduate and graduate students in Biomathematics, as well as being a curriculum reviewer for commission of University Education in Kenya.
Rachel as a researcher is committed to engage in collaborative research that informs and improves policy and practice and advance the livelihood of people.